When I was a young girl, we would drive past cemeteries and my dad, Paul Farrell, would look at me and say “You know…people are just DYING” to get in there.” Then he would smile slyly and wait while I rolled my eyes. ????
It’s been 5 years this weekend since he’s been gone, and I still can hear the words every time I drive by one.
Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
This is one of my most favourite memories of my dad – taking him to Game 2 of the Stanley Cup Final when the Vancouver Canucks played Boston in 2011. He was like a big kid – waving his towel and smiling. It’s the loudest I’ve ever heard him cheer and the most excited I’ve ever seen him.
Paul Farrell was a hard worker – and throughout his life created and was part of many incredible projects. He helped many people along the way. I’ll always remember him as a kind, gentle and loving man who had great depth, strong values and integrity. I am a better person because of his love, patience and guidance.
I am grateful to have spent the millions of road trips we took together when he drove me back and forth to school at Lakehead and Ottawa U, and continue to roll my eyes when going past graveyards.
While I know he wouldn’t have wanted it any other way, I still regret not seeing him more during the 20 years I lived out west and am grateful that I’m back now to enjoy more quality time with my mom.
Miss you dad! Keep your stick on the ice.
Xo Robin
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