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The Unbalanced Podcast - September 26 - October 1st

Originally Aired: September 30, 2016

Huge news! The Unbalanced Podcast is now on iTunes! You can subscribe and get it automatically sent to your devices every week! Plus, our moms will think we’re successful, so there’s that!

We’re going to have to start this weeks podcast off with an apology to friend of the show Colin. We’ve been hanging with him for weeks at the different fairs throughout the valley, but we’ve been calling him Cody. That spurred tons of calls with some great stories on messing up names. We’re not alone!! Haha!

And with the minimum wage went up in Ontario! If that’s not reason to celebrate, I don’t know what is!!

The stories about your first job kept us entertained, so hopefully you’ll like em too. Plus there’s a great montage of your 15 second stories and a bonus code at the end! Check it out!


The Unbalanced Podcast is on iTunes!! Click HERE to subscribe! Also, we’d love to hear from you, reach out to us  through the CONTACT US page, or through Facebook by searching for The Unbalanced Breakfast, give us a like, and follow us on Twitter: @KennyJones77 and @BigGingerFM. We’re also on Snapchat: Kenny.Jones and BigGingerFM! Thanks and hope to hear from you soon!



Filed under: 15 Second Stories, Cody, Colin, first job, minimum wage, name, Unbalanced Breakfast, unbalanced podcast